Work and Travel w USA
Agencja rządowa poszukuje około 30 studentów do pracy w Nowym Jorku na stanowisku ratownika, aby aplikować na poniższa ofertę należy spełniać poniższe kryteria, dlatego też prosze wczesniej zapoznać się z informacjami zawartymi w ramce.
Jeżeli chcesz dowiedzieć się czegoś wiecej o pracodawcy lub zarezerwować sobie miejsce zanim zapiszesz się na program wyślij do nas maila z kodem pracodawcy LFG na adres: [email protected]
New York City, New York |
Company location |
New York City, New York
Company description |
Government Agency
Job title |
Lenght |
3-4 months |
Job description |
NYC lifeguards protect swimmers at city beaches and outdoor swimming pools.
Lowest rate per hour |
13.57 USD |
Highest rate per hour |
13.57 USD
Hours per week |
40+ |
Overtime |
is available to hard workers.
Overtime pay |
1½ X regular hourly pay |
First paycheck |
Biweekly. Those who successfully complete the training will be paid for training (40 hours) once they begin working as a lifeguard. First check received approximately 5 weeks after beginning of training.
Earliest start date |
May 10, 2009 |
Earliest end date |
September 7, 2009
Latest start date |
June 1, 2009
Latest end date |
September 7, 2009 |
Peak season |
May - September |
Requirements |
Good English and communication skills.
Must have at least 20/30 vision in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye without corrective lenses; must be able to swim 50 yards in 35 secondsor less with proper form to qualify for training and be able to swim 440 yards in minutes and 40 seconds or less with proper for to pass final exam.MUST pass all swimming/vision tests and successfully complete training to be hired. Failing any of the tests will result in no job.
English level |
intermediate |
Dress code |
Uniforms provided. |
Second jobs |
possible |
Transportation in the work place |
Public transportation |
Is housing assistance provided? |
No. Training will take place in Manhattan. After successful completion of training students will be assigned a location.
Recommendation: secure temporary housing in or near Manhattan and then arrange accommodation for the remainder of their stay once they receivetheir location assignment. |
Training or orientation |
Lifeguarding and CPR training provided. |
Employer pick-up | No. Public transportation or taxi from airport to housing. |
Airport |
John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City
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