Work and Travel - Procedure
- To be able to sign up for the "Work and Travel USA" program you must have a valid email address. If you need one, you can use one of the free services:,, or
- Your must have a signed, certified document from your school verifying your status as a full-time student in the semester directly prior to your Summer Work/Travel Program and indicating that you will be returning to school in the semester directly following your Summer Work/Travel Program. To download this form click HERE.
- Complete Summer Work/Travel application on line - click HERE.
- In order to accomplish your registration process, we will send you an email to verify your email address. You must respond to the verification email and click on the link we sent to activate your account in FOSA system. After you click on that link you will be able to log in to FOSA (Foster Online Student Aplication).
- After you log in to FOSA system HERE you will be asked to take an english proficiency test. It is a very simple test which will indicate what kind of job we can offer. Please work alone on your test.
- After completing your english test in FOSA system you will recive the terms and conditions agreement. In next 5 days you should signed this agreement and send it to us (using post office or in person), also you wll be asked to pay the registration fee (600 PLN) to FOSTER account (account number is HERE) - otherwise your application will be removed from our database. In case you are no longer eligible to participate in the program. ex. your english language is too poor to participate -Foster will return all payments you have made.
- As soon as FOSTER recieves your registration fee we will give you full access to the FOSA system. Within 3 days we will conduct an interview with you in English. Do not forget to bring your original Terms and Condition agreement if you have not mailed it to us. If you are not able to show up in person, please mail the program agreement and wait for our call - WE WILL CALL YOU!
- Information about other essential documents you need can be found in the FOSA system after full access is be granted.
If you have any concerns about your application or having problems with registration please call our office at: (22) 331- 00- 50 or send an e-mail: [email protected].
If you have any concerns about your application or having problems with registration please call our office at: (22) 331- 00- 50 or send an e-mail: [email protected].
DS-2019 form will be issued after the job offer will be confirmed by the student and the employer.
email: [email protected]
tel. 22 331 00 50 wew. 505
Biuro czynne od poniedziałku do piątku: 11.00 - 19.00
Jeśli masz pytania skontaktuj się z naszym biurem.
Foster SIS
ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. 15
00-131 Warszawa
ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. 15
00-131 Warszawa
email: [email protected]
tel. 22 331 00 50 wew. 505
Biuro czynne od poniedziałku do piątku: 11.00 - 19.00
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