Pierwsze rozmowy z pracodawcą na skypie już w grudniu!
Nie czekaj i zarezerwuj miejsce już dziś! Atrakcyjna, turystyczna lokalizacja! Świetna baza wypadowa do parków narodowych oraz do zachodnich stanów!
Dostępne pozycje: cashier, busser/dishwasher oraz houskeeper
Rejestracji na program można dokonać TUTAJ
Regency CSP Ventures DBA Custer State Park Resort
Industry Name: Resort/Country Club/Casino/Ranch
Website: www.custerresorts.com
Lokalizacja: Custer, South Dakota
Start dates: 5/1/2014 - 7/1/2014
End dates: 9/10/2014 - 10/1/2014
Wage: 9.12/per hour
Nadgodziny: dostępne (Overtime hourly rate: time and a half)
Poziom języka: good
Zaakwaterowanie i posiłki: zapewnione przez pracodawcę. Miesięczny koszt zaakwaterowanie to 480 USD. Pracodawca zapewnia posiłki 7 dni w tygodniu. Bezprzewodowy internet jest dostępny w bez żadnych dodatkowych opłat.
Dodatkowe bonusy: Posiłki 7 dni w tygodniu. Uczestnicy mają prawo wstępu do wszystkich atrakcji w resorcie bez żadnych opłat oraz bonus w kwocie $50 za każdy przepracowany miesiąc (płatne razem z ostatnim paycheckiem).
Meals are offered 7 days a week. Participants receive free admission to all of our family attractions in the area, as well as a $50 bonus for each month they work. All bonuses are paid to participants in their final paycheck at the end of the season
Dodatkowe bonusy: Posiłki 7 dni w tygodniu. Uczestnicy mają prawo wstępu do wszystkich atrakcji w resorcie bez żadnych opłat oraz bonus w kwocie $50 za każdy przepracowany miesiąc (płatne razem z ostatnim paycheckiem).
Meals are offered 7 days a week. Participants receive free admission to all of our family attractions in the area, as well as a $50 bonus for each month they work. All bonuses are paid to participants in their final paycheck at the end of the season
This position will provide you the opportunity to interact with American co-workers, customers, or members of your local community. Remember, it's up to you to make the most of your program!
Opis dostępnych stanowisk poniżej:
Job type: Busser / Dishwasher
Wage: 9.12/per hour
Job description: A dishwasher/busser's primary duties include scraping, racking and stacking glassware, plateware, and silverware properly in the dishwasher and washing pots, dishes, and other cooking items by hand or using dish washing equipment. Dishwasher/busser's then restock all ware when clean. Additional duties include removing garbage and recyclable materials from the kitchen area to appropriate receptacles as well as sweeping and mopping, and also loading and unloading truck deliveries. Dishwasher/busser's are responsible for maintaining a clean workstation, assisting kitchen staff when required and assisting in overall kitchen cleanliness. Dishwasher/busser's will come into contact with cleaning chemicals, and wear rubber gloves. This job requires standing for most of the shift so employees should be in good physical condition to stand for long periods of time. A Dishwasher/busser's job duties also include clearing tables, taking dirty dishes to the dishwasher, setting empty tables and otherwise assisting the waiting staff. Responsibilities may also include bringing water and introductory foods (tortilla chips, bread etc.) to the table when guests first sit down and to assist the Dining Room Manager in the day to day activities of the restaurant operation. Dishwasher/bussers may also be required to clean restrooms. This will involve cleaning toilets and using cleaning chemicals. Comfortable, clean rubber soled shoes are required.
Job Type: Cashier
Wage: 9.12/per hour
Job description: As a cashier, participants will be responsible for taking payment for items customers wish to purchase or for receiving payment for admission. This position requires a strong understanding of U.S. currency, and the ability to work a computer based system and/or a credit card machine. Participants must be patient, optimistic and cheerful to perform this job successfully and must have excellent English and customer service skills. We strongly recommend that all participants begin learning how to count US currency and give change prior to arrival. Uniform shirt is provided. Participants are required to provide and wear tan or black pants with clean closed toed shoes. If participants have questions about what sort of clothing is acceptable on the job, they may consult their supervisor.
Job type: Housekeeper
Wage: 9.12/per hour
Job desription: As housekeepers, participants are responsible for cleaning (washing, dusting and vacuuming, tidying up) guest rooms and property common areas. Job duties include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens (doing laundry), making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet and keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories and the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals and being exposed to outside weather. Uniform shirt is provided. Participants are required to provide and wear black or tan pants and clean closed toe shoes. If participants have questions about what sort of clothing is acceptable on the job, they may consult their supervisor.
Job desription: As housekeepers, participants are responsible for cleaning (washing, dusting and vacuuming, tidying up) guest rooms and property common areas. Job duties include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens (doing laundry), making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet and keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories and the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals and being exposed to outside weather. Uniform shirt is provided. Participants are required to provide and wear black or tan pants and clean closed toe shoes. If participants have questions about what sort of clothing is acceptable on the job, they may consult their supervisor.
Housing consists of 2-4 person rooms with bathroom/shower in each unit. Each participant will have their own bed. Rooms are separated by gender. Coin laundry is available in each dorm. Meals are included in the cost of rent.
Located 15 minutes (walk) from work place.
Meals and Utilities Included. Meals are offered 7 days a week.
Located 15 minutes (walk) from work place.
Meals and Utilities Included. Meals are offered 7 days a week.
Wireless is available at each lodge free of charge. Participants can bring a laptop or other personal wireless device, if they wish.
Benefits: Participants receive free admission to all of our family attractions in the area, as well as a $50 bonus for each month they work. All bonuses are paid to participants in their final paycheck at the end of the season.
Benefits: Participants receive free admission to all of our family attractions in the area, as well as a $50 bonus for each month they work. All bonuses are paid to participants in their final paycheck at the end of the season.
Participants will be interacting with Americans at work and on their time off. Employer works hard and plays hard!!! Housing will be on-site at all 4 lodge locations in Custer State Park.
For additional cultural opportunities participants should visit:
Students are also recommended to join the Greenheart Club:
Or check-out Discover America: http://www.discoveramerica.com/ca/home.html
For additional cultural opportunities participants should visit:
Students are also recommended to join the Greenheart Club:
Or check-out Discover America: http://www.discoveramerica.com/ca/home.html
Community profile:
The State Park Resort consists of 4 guest lodges on a 73,000 acre park. It is a very rural tourist town surrounded by the beautiful Black Hills. The city of Custer is a city rich with American history that is located in the southern black hills. Custer's historical importance dates back to George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry who made the first public discovery of gold in the Black Hills. Today, many tourists visit Custer to view the historical monuments and travel to see the historic state parks. Hiking, biking, rock climbing, mini-golfing and horse back riding are all fun activities to participate in while in Custer. Participants are advised to bring a warm sweatshirt or jacket for colder nights, swimwear, shoes for hiking, a flashlight, and an alarm clock.
Jeśli masz pytania skontaktuj się z naszym biurem.
Foster SIS
ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. 15
00-131 Warszawa
ul. Grzybowska 2 lok. 15
00-131 Warszawa
email: [email protected]
tel. 22 331 00 50 wew. 505
Biuro czynne od poniedziałku do piątku: 11.00 - 19.00
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