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Where: Port Aransas, Texas (walking distance from the beach)
When: 1st week of June - 1st week of September
Program details:
Job: Hotel housekeeping
Positions: 2
Pay rate: $9/hr, min 32 hrs/week
Housing: Provided
Requirements: Communicative English
Location: Port Aransas, Texas
Located along the Gulf of Mexico, on the northern tip of Mustang Island which is one of the
longest barrier islands along the Texas coast. It is a popular vacation destination offering a variety ofactivities.
For more information on what Port Aransas has to offer visit: http://www.portaransas-texas.com/
The Hotel & nearby attractions. You will be working in a small, family-owned, family-operated hotel with outdoor pool and a spa tub. The hotel is located six blocks from the beach and one block from the grocery store. The hotel is close to IB Magee Beach Park, University of Texas Marine Science Institute, and Horace Caldwell Pier.
There are free concerts in the park nearby almost weekly in the summer (6 blocks) and several live music venues within walking distance. There are fireworks on July 4th. There are three museums on the island and several more in Corpus Christi. There are about 100 foreign students on the island every summer. There is an island shuttle every hour for $0.25 and a bus that goes to Corpus Christi Monday through Saturday for $1.25. There are several restaurants nearby.
Port Aransas experiences a humid subtropical climate, enjoying similar temperatures to those of other Gulf Coast regions, such as Deep South Texas and Southern Florida. Average high temperatures in the summer months exceed 90°F (32°C) while average nighttime winter lows in January, the coldest month, are slightly less than 50 °F (10 °C).
On the island, a large portion of the population lives in motor homes, due to the mild weather and limited affordable housing here. The motor home has air conditioning, city water supply, sewer hookup, two TVs with DVD players, oven, stove, refrigerator, coffee maker, crock pot, blender, toaster, two full size beds with linens, and a full bath with tub/shower. The students will be able to use the hotel laundry in the evenings and can hang out at the pool whenever they want.
Located along the Gulf of Mexico, on the northern tip of Mustang Island which is one of the
longest barrier islands along the Texas coast. It is a popular vacation destination offering a variety ofactivities.
For more information on what Port Aransas has to offer visit: http://www.portaransas-texas.com/
The Hotel & nearby attractions. You will be working in a small, family-owned, family-operated hotel with outdoor pool and a spa tub. The hotel is located six blocks from the beach and one block from the grocery store. The hotel is close to IB Magee Beach Park, University of Texas Marine Science Institute, and Horace Caldwell Pier.
There are free concerts in the park nearby almost weekly in the summer (6 blocks) and several live music venues within walking distance. There are fireworks on July 4th. There are three museums on the island and several more in Corpus Christi. There are about 100 foreign students on the island every summer. There is an island shuttle every hour for $0.25 and a bus that goes to Corpus Christi Monday through Saturday for $1.25. There are several restaurants nearby.
Port Aransas experiences a humid subtropical climate, enjoying similar temperatures to those of other Gulf Coast regions, such as Deep South Texas and Southern Florida. Average high temperatures in the summer months exceed 90°F (32°C) while average nighttime winter lows in January, the coldest month, are slightly less than 50 °F (10 °C).
On the island, a large portion of the population lives in motor homes, due to the mild weather and limited affordable housing here. The motor home has air conditioning, city water supply, sewer hookup, two TVs with DVD players, oven, stove, refrigerator, coffee maker, crock pot, blender, toaster, two full size beds with linens, and a full bath with tub/shower. The students will be able to use the hotel laundry in the evenings and can hang out at the pool whenever they want.
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