Oferty Work and Travel 2014
State: Maine
Location: Southwest Harbor
Type: INN, Hotel
Wages: $9,75 / h + tips - housekeepers $12/h - front desk
Positions: Housekeeper and Front Desk
Number of positions: 3 - 4 students - can be a group of students
Required level of English: Great to Excellent for the Front Desk position
Good to Great for Housekeeper' positions.
Requirements: All students should be hardworking, friendly and with positive attitude towards work. Additionally for the Front Desk position/ Innkeeper - great interpersonal and communication skills, should be able to answer calls in English. Courteous, great manners, high personal culture. Skype inetrview required for all students.
Location: Southwest Harbor
Type: INN, Hotel
Wages: $9,75 / h + tips - housekeepers $12/h - front desk
Positions: Housekeeper and Front Desk
Number of positions: 3 - 4 students - can be a group of students
Required level of English: Great to Excellent for the Front Desk position
Good to Great for Housekeeper' positions.
Requirements: All students should be hardworking, friendly and with positive attitude towards work. Additionally for the Front Desk position/ Innkeeper - great interpersonal and communication skills, should be able to answer calls in English. Courteous, great manners, high personal culture. Skype inetrview required for all students.
Although it is not a big city students will be working on the coast in very nice environement and cosy INN. Great atmosphere. We need a total of 3 housekeepers. We will offer $ 9.75 per hour plus tips which can be very good. We would like them to start by the 2nd week in June and stay as long as they can. Good English skills would be great but they do not have to be advanced. Intermediate and a willingness to learn are the most important. Housekeeping experience although preferable is not required. The typical work day starts at 6:30 or 7 and usually ends by 1:30 or 2. We also need a person for the evening innkeeper. This position would start at 4pm and stay till 9-10pm. The pay is $12 per hour and involves front desk duties like checking in guests and also breakfast preparation and finishing laundry and other duties as assigned.This is a great position and it does require really good proficiency in English and great people skills. It is possible that this position be filled by someone also wanting a housekeeper job.
We will assist in finding and securing housing for participants nearby. Approximate cost is from $80 to $100 USD per week. Students usually walk to work or use bikes.
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